Tourist information of the region around Łupice
The house of the family Kwitowska is situated three km of Ruda Komorska. This village - a bit bigger than Lupice - has two little shops, a post-box and a small river where you can bathe.
Lupice belongs to the council of Pyzdry. In the city of Pyzdry, near the river Warta (see photo), you will find different shops, a church, monastery. On Thursday there is a market.
A few towns in the neighbourhood are nice to visited for some shopping for instance. Wrzesnia and Jarocin are both situated approximately 30 km of Lupice. You can find a nice church, some museums, machines for automatic money transfer, and possibilities to eat and drink.
Ten kilometres west of Lupice lies the village of Smielów. In the palace you find the Adam Mickiewicz museum. Mickiewicz was one of the most famous Polish poets and novelists from the 19th century. You can visit the park around the palace.
Poznan is the capitol of Wielkopolska (great Poland). In this town there are several museums, beautiful renovated buildings and lots of opportunities to do some shopping.
Swimming is possible in the river Prosna, near Ruda Komorska. It is not much more than bathing. Real swimming is possible in the swimming pool (basen) of Zerków, 12 km to the west. The hilly neighbourhood of Zerków is very attractive and is part of Żerkowsko-Czeszewski Park Krajobrazowy, another landscape park.